sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

How to show a girl that you want to become more than friends.

You show her by treating her like you want more than friendship, and by showing that you don't think of her as just a friend anymore, and that is by flirting with her, teasing her playfully, playfully touching her, and making moves. To flirt and tease could make your friendship awkward because you are behaving all of the sudden like a guy who wants to be with her rather than a guy who is just platonic. They key thing here is to know what you want if you begin to flirt with her then you should be ok with the fact that you could lose the friendship, which is normal. You cannot be both platonic friends and romantic partners, you have to choose.
Teasing examples:
  • Pretending that she is annoying you with an obvious smile when you pretend to be annoyed. It has to be obvious that you are exaggerating your drama to the point of absurdity.
  • Exaggerating playfully every mistake she makes, for example if she has trouble opening the locker, you could over exaggerate how clumsy she is, and like even a 1 year old could do it, the more you exaggerate the better, so she knows you are joking or must not be serious (Note: don't be too mean, always say you are just kidding at the ends, specially if she gets a bit mad or sad after teasing her).
  • Offering a high five to her, but leave her hanging when she is about to high five you and making a bit of fun of her for being so naive.
  • Pretend like something she did has disgusted you for example: “OMG, gross, you just spat on me when you said that, you are lucky to be pretty, cuz once the looks are gone you will be in trouble” if she says sorry you say “just kidding, you didn't actually spat on me” or “Did you just fart, that's gross” she will deny it, but when you see her friends you could say “watch out with her she might or might not have farted just a minute ago, you might wanna get away from her ;)”
  • Putting something she wants further away out of her reach and say “oh look it's running away better catch it before it's gone!”
  • Copying, mimicking or even exaggerating her behaviour, her mannerisms, her expressions, her accent, her way of talking, her body language, her hand gestures, to make fun of her.
  • Adding fake drama after she says or does something mean or dumb and say out loud things like: “that's it, we can't be friends anymore”, “that's it, we are breaking up”, “mental note to myself, don't date or talk to Christina”, “walk away from her… act like you don't know her”
  • Acting like you didn't understand at all what she is saying and asking her to repeat herself all the time until she realises that you are just messing around with her.
Flirting examples (teasing prepares her for flirting):
  • Taking what she says as an opportunity to hit on her: she says “are you gay” you say with a smirk “I was, just before I met you” or “not anymore” or she says: “how can you survive in such cold weather” you say: with a smirk “because you make me feel hot”
  • Winks, air kisses, licking or biting your lip casually, letting her catch you checking her out, all of these is sexual behaviour that let's the other person know you are flirting.
  • Low Voice tonality: if you want to make sure you are flirting lowering your voice tonality is great because it makes your voice sound more sexual, the trick is to make the things you say sound sexually suggestive by lowering and slowing down the tonality of your voice. (I don't mean lowering the volume of your voice it's not about speaking quietly, I mean lowering the tonality to sound more deep and more sexual).
  • Compliments: “did I ever mention that you look so beautiful/sexy”, “I love your smile, it lights up the entire room”, “when you dress like that, it's so hard to keep my composure”, “when you smile at me like that, my heart starts beating faster”.
Playfully touching her:
  • Playing footsie: this is when you touch a girls leg or feet with your own feet, by “accident” and instead of moving them away you playfully continue to touch her (if she doesn't want to play footsie, don't force it or she will start to think you are creepy, just try and see if she like it)
  • Tickling her, hugging her, putting your hand on her waist, dancing with her, playing with her fingers, holding hands. Touching is essential. Touching can arouse people, but you need to be careful and do it right, if you touch in the wrong way or wrong place or at the wrong time, or you look very nervous when touching her it will be creepy, so act like it's normal and no big deal to touch people and make sure you don't touch butt, vagina, breasts, and you will be fine.
Making moves examples (flirting prepares her for your advancements, so that they are not totally unexpected):
  • What's your number? (Texting is only for setting up dates, not to get to know her over the phone or to express any type of feelings and emotions over the phone)
  • I wanna go out with you and have fun, how about next Saturday? (Asking out on dates)
  • Attempting to kiss her or if you are adult have sex with her (though remember that No means No, so don't force it)
  • Proposing or revealing your feelings of love to her: (this should only be done if you have already kiss her, have had sex with her and went on dates with her) if you are just friends who have not done any moves before this last one, then don't propose or confess feelings to her.

Ernesto Fernandez

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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