sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

What to talk about or say to make a girl interested in you

The typical answer most people give to this question is be yourself. 
These people have never had a problem when it comes to dating so of course they just tell you to “be yourself” as if you haven't been yourself until they told you here in Quora, or when they say that girls either they are interested or they aren't, “as if you couldn't make yourself more attractive or interesting by working out or having an interesting life or interesting hobbies or social life, forgetting the fact that just because you talk about things that you both like doesn't mean the other person will want a romantic relationship with you, which is what you want.
So what then is the trick to get someone interested in you you might ask now? Well, its not a one magic trick and boom she is interested, I will try to explain as good as I can:
1- Make your life interesting. 
Why do I say this? because the majority of guys who want a girl to like them tend to be guys who don't have much going on in their life's apart from going to school, or work in a 9 to 5 boring job, or playing videogames and watching TV. If your life is not interesting you will have less things to talk about and your life will be less interesting. Most people are boring because they live boring life's, so if you stand out and do many different things like playing sports, music, traveling, learning languages, reading about topics you are passionate about, going to parties… etc you will have more experiences and things to talk about. The more experinces you have the more interesting you will be, and the easier to connect as well with other people. If you just play videogames all day and pretty much nothing else, why would anyone be interested in you?
2- Work out. 
Not only is it healthy for you but also makes you look more attractive, the more attractive you are the less interesting you have to be. See how many attractive girls get so much attention just for being pretty when they really are boring and do nothing interesting with their lives apart from buying clothes and make up from the mall…. With guys is the same most people who work out are pretty dumb, they really are not that interesting all they talk about is protein, 6 packs, and all that, yet they get many girls interested in them.
3- Act in a masculine way, not in a feminine way. (Probably gonna get hammered with this statement.) 
Why do I say it? Because many boys act very weak towards girls, they are insecure, they are clingy, needy So on… those behaviours are not masculine, I can't tell you how many women feel like they are the man in the relationship when they are dating guys who act like that. Attraction grows when men act more masculine and when girls act more feminine. 
So if you find yourself constantly texting girls To get them to like you over the phone stop, you are not gonna make them like you more over the phone at least not in a romantic way. Don't bombard her with texts, if she ignores you don't pursue her or demand from her why she hasn't replied to you, just continue living your life and go talk to other woman, never focus all your attention on one woman as that will most likely make you needy. 
If she ignores your text you should know that the quickest way to get someone's attention is also to remove your attention from them. be willing to walk away from a girl and mean it. If you are scared of losing a girl you will indeed lose her. Only use the phone to set up dates, not to get to know them.
 (If you use the phone/Facebook, whatsapp,FaceTime, Skype,iMessage…) to get to know them then you will just be a virtual pen pal, a text buddy.
(You won't get anywhere with women if you do most of the conversation online) Never put all your happiness into the girl, make sure that you can be happy without a girl. This is the most important point. If you are insecure the girl will end up leaving you. 
Girls don't appreciate clingy boys in the long term because they look like childs that girls have to take care of and reassure them constantly that they are loved, which is not their ideal of a strong independent men.
4- Do not be yourself, instead seek to be a better version of yourself. 
Why? Because if you are just yourself and until now you haven't got any woman interested in you then, what makes you think that that will change if you continue to be yourself??? Always aim to be better and more interesting.
5- Talk to many women.
The more you talk with women the more you will get used to them, the less anxious you will be when talking to them, and the more you will know what they like to talk about.
6- Travel:
The more you travel the more experiences you will have, most people don't go to many countries outside of theirs so by doing that you become the most interesting guy almost anywhere you go.

Know that it's not so much as to what you talk about with women to make them like you, but rather how you behave with them. To make them interested in you, just act in a masculine way and dont put women in a pedestal, in other words don't treat women like they are princess who need to be pleased by their man or who need a man to make them happy, avoid listening to all their problems, avoid being their shoulder to cry on, becuase women don't want to date or have sex with men who act like their female friends or gay best friends. Also, avoid taking advice from songs or romantic comedies, why do I say this? Because this portrays fantasies for women which are not real… It's pretty much Porn for women. Have you ever watch porn? You would find that while it excites you, porn and reality are very different almost opposite. What works in romantic movies, love songs or porn, doesn't work in real life.

Ernesto Fernandez

Author & Editor

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