2014 - Archieve

Under the hood articles from the past.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Are Looks Essential To Be Successful With Women?

Some people think that you have to be good looking or otherwise you are not gonna have success with women.
Looks matter because:
If you are good looking girls are generally going to react better to your approaches, because despite what you might have heard, everyone like eye candy. I have seen ugly people approach girls and the general initial reaction was bad and I have seen good-looking guys approach girls and the general initial reaction was good.
Having a pretty face, pretty eyes, strong muscles those things attract women and they compliment you for it, so it definitely helps your game.
Being rich also helps, it really does... But the kind of girls you will attract are not really worth your money. They are gold diggers, girls that don't like you but your money.

When your looks don't matter:
Being fit, good looking all those things are great and can make girls be attracted to you, but only initially. If you have lived with girls, you have probably heard them say a phrase similar to this. "He was cute until he opened his mouth." This means that attraction isn't something that is always there, it can evaporate like nothing. So even though being good-looking is great for attracting girls, that doesn't mean the job is done, you have to have a personality that matches your look. That's why you can see good looking guys who are single and never get laid or if they do, it is with really ugly desperate girls.
Being ugly can have bad initial reactions, but that initial reaction can be changed when you start talking, that's why you can see really ugly fuckers having success with good looking women. Because they just know what to do to get them attracted.

Things like your vibe, your intelligence, your hobbies, your lifestyle, your body language, your social skills, are the most essential thing to be successful with women. But of course a guy who has all these things plus is also good looking, rich, and fit will always be more successful than a guy who just has good social skills. But I repeat, it's not essential.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

What to do and say if she says she has a boyfriend?

Girls with boyfriends

What if I told you, you should not go away just because a woman said "I have a boyfriend".

What if I told you it is impossible that almost every girl you approach has a boyfriend, it just isn't, it is too much "bad luck".

Just because a woman says she has a boyfriend doesn't mean she actually does have a boyfriend or that she is happy with such boyfriend.

One common thing that everyone doing Daygame seems to have is "oh she told me she had a boyfriend so I will just let her go."

Seriously, Don't go!! It is just a test. And you might say "except when it isn't".

Sure she might have a boyfriend but you don'tt know that, and the only way to know is to keep talking to her as if she had said nothing.

You have the typical mentality of a good boy and that's why you think "oh ill try another one."

The reason a girl says she has a boyfriend is to differentiate. Girls have a lot of boys they could be with but they can't be with all of them, they have to chose the best ones.

That's why they do this test because when a guy moves on, girls just think of him as just another guy but if this same guy tries to be persistent after she has said that she has a boyfriend. Then she knows she is in front of a man who knows what he wants. She is in front of a man who offers protection, a man who is very confident and goes after what he wants no matter the difficulties.

So what can you do if she says that?

First What you should not do or say.
First: Never look disappointed. That's just needy.

Then avoid saying this:

She: "I have a boyfriend"
Me: "Don't you want another one?"

She: "I have a boyfriend"
Me: "Ok Bye"

Instead stay and say this:

She: "I have a boyfriend"
Me: "I think i also have one (girlfriend), but what makes you think i want something with you, why do you go so fast?"

She: "I have a boyfriend"
Me: "I love that we have just met each other and you are already telling me your problems/life, it almost feels like the next thing you are gonna tell me is that you are going to present me to your parents"

She: "I have a boyfriend"
Me: "I'm flattered that you already see me as a potential problem to your relationship, but i think you are going too fast because I just met you, so i was saying blah blah blah(change topic)"
And last I wanna leave this thing a girl said after being asked why when she was single has said she had a boyfriend:

"I've always said it when I don't find them attractive, or they are so attractive and 'up-front' that I know giving them a chance would just make me end up getting hurt so I just back off.

The trick here is that even if she doesn't find you attractive at first, if you still keep being persistent after she has told you the boyfriend excuse, she will find you more attractive. Because you have shown that you are not like the other guys who back off immediately after hearing those words and being different from most guys makes you more attractive :)

Oh and one more thing even if you pass this test, she might put you another test.
The key is every time she says something along the lines that "you are wasting your time with me, boy", you don't take it as such, until she really goes, and she has to be the one going and leaving you, not the other way around: For example:

She: "haha, thats nice but i have to go"
Then you can say.
Me: "Me too, but we can still give each other 5 minutes, any was as i was telling you before"


She: "You are cool/funny/cute but i don't think my boyfriend is gonna like this"
Me: "I think you should give him a call and tell her that you are flirting with a crazy guy"

Never go, show her that you are chatting to her because she is attractive, but that doesn't mean you view her yet as a potential girlfriend. That's something you haven't even think of, something she doesn't deserve because you have many woman (thanks to Daygame) in your life, what makes her that special for you to want to be her boyfriend...

Just don't freaking go away when she tells you that and try what I said, although when you say those lines or something similar is better if you don't wait for her response, just keep talking changing topic

Daygame advice - Don't pretend to be gay

Daygame Gay friends
You don't wanna end up like this (gay bestfriend), do you?

 I know this might seem obvious, specially to those who are veterans at Daygame, but...

I had write about this because apparently some people think that by pretending to be gay they will get better responses from girls when you approach them...

And I want to remind you that girls only like MEN WHO ARE CONFIDENT WITH WHO THEY REALLY ARE!!

Girls are tired of men pretending to be someone they are not. 

By trying to appear gay, she will think you are gay and will think of you as her gay bestfriend. (Which means no sex and no nothing, just a friend)

And for those who think "no but then i will act like a heterosexual man once she is at ease" With all due respect... Do you think women are stupid? They will notice that you are now behaving in a different manner and will classify you as FAKE and ignore you.

The point of Daygame is to be honest with your intentions when you approach a girl by displaying your CONFIDENCE and your MASCULINITY. Because that's what girls like period.

Doing the opposite won't work, for the simple fact that when you meet a woman, she spends the first minute of the interaction thinking if you are boyfriend material or friend material. If you act gay at the beginning, turning your image around as someone who she wants to fuck with will be almost impossible.

Imagine if a woman approached a heterosexual woman on the street... she won't think: "Oh im gonna have lesbian sex with this girl who told me I look really nice"...

She will think "she just wants to be friends" 

If you act gay she will basically think of you as a woman and therefore will have the same reaction.

The opener is also direct so if you are a man telling her she looks hot, and at the same time you act like a gay person, she will feel this is weird and will ask you if you are gay immediately, and then what the heck will you say??? You will have to say no and then she will move on because she knows that you were lying and was trying to manipulate her.

DONT MANIPULATE WOMEN, leave that for the Pick Up Artists wannabes. 

Just be confident as a man and don't be afraid to show that you are a man. Girls will respect you more.

p.s: And seriously avoid posting tips like that, because then someone who is new to this thing and comes to this forum will actually think, "Oh my god how come Andy, and no other dating coach in the world have said this before?? Acting gay? That's great advice and it totally makes sense, i can see it working" 

And the reason they haven't is simply because it just isn't good advice"

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Analysis of a text interaction after picking up a girl doing Daygame

Hi, (xxxx)... yesterday was an attractive evening, although a little bit short (the interaction) you were very friendly :) Lucky me that i went to eat mandarins. (inside joke) haha it was funny to meet you.

She: Aawww, yes yes it was a pleasure to meet you, you were really nice.


Hi (xxx).. you know recently I ate an ice cream made by the hand of God! haha, it was amazing. I hope you are also a divine night.

She: HAHAHAHA thanks :D

Boy: How's the night going, any wolf man around, its full moon tonight! (Inside joke)

She: hahahahaha nooooo

Boy: I hope you are perfecting those dancing steps, what i saw the other day leaves left much to be desired. (inside joke again)

Ella: HAHAHAHAHA, i was only imitating you xD

Yo: imitating me? You didn't even move! HAHA at least you know how to move?or you just know the stick move :)

Ella: HAHAHAHAHAHA, you are so mean

Me: Tomorrow there is a party, right? the other guy has told me everything lady! you and your friend might go over there right?

She: HaHAHAHA, obviously tomorrow there is a party

Me: So what you don't invite me xP Hahaha the other guy has to tell me everything

She: HAHAHAHAHAHA I did not know if I was gonna go, I am a bit sick, but nah ill go tomorrow :)

Me: haha.... it sounds really bad, you know the best cure for your sickness?


Guy: YES GO OUT!! Have a good time, and dance Salsa with amazing guys called (his name), you'll recover 100 guaranteed!

She: HAHAHAHA, bad news i don't know how to dance Salsa,

Guy: Don't worry!! Stepping on feet you will learn!! HAHA just let yourself go by the emotion and everything will look  wonderful.

The bad news is... that I am not sure to that i can go there, agh :/ i am in (place) with some friends; if i try to come back tomorrow i might get there, but i don't promise anything!

She: where do you live?

Guy: You will know :) Some things about me...

(My full name) Age 20.
I like green, koalas, ice creams, pizza
I don't like, mayonese, nights without moon,
A secret never told: I loved Titanic 

You will know more when we meet, HAhA your turn :)

Ella: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhh wellll 

Guy: I don't think you understood the game... I am from (place) and the only thing i can promise is that if I suddenly appear over there, we will eat mandarins and you will lean how to dance Salsa lady! Wether you want it or not) I am gonna go, have fun :) see you.

When she said GO OUT, that's when he should have tried to set up the date. Everything he had to do is to suggest to meet, for example: "HAHA, i like your way of thinking, lets meet you me and your smile tomorrow at 20:00?"... 

Then when she asked "where he lives", he used a very long message that really had to do nothing with what she had asked (I'm referring to the message where he says I like.. I don't like... and a secret never told...). 

He gave too much information about himself for no reason killing too much intrigue and the mysterious vive. 

That kind of text would have been good if she had said that she barely knows anything about him because it would be an easy way to create connection. But he had already created enough connection with the inside jokes.

The conversation seemed good because she had made the girl laugh which is a good thing, then he had created a lot of connection by using inside jokes, but failed at the most important thing which is to set up the date and therefore the girl lose interest.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

A very important thing to get more dates with girls

Get more dates
One thing that one should make sure to do, when you approach a girl in the street, is to make inside jokes. Inside jokes are good because it creates a connection between the two of you making it easier to get a date when you remind a girl of such joke over texts messages.

One easy way to make inside jokes is to give her some kind of nickname.

Usually I do this when she is telling me her number, i just say something like "I am gonna save you as, "Hanna, the cheerful artist" or "Jessica, the sweet" or "The strong Mary"

You give her a nickname based on the information (verbal or not verbal) that she gave you or the physical appearance that she had when you met her. If it describes her well, she will laugh when you tell her the nickname, if she prefers another nickname she will suggest another one. 

Then you should call her to make sure she gave you her real number and tell her:
"Save my number as "James the crazy guy" or "Harry the cool guy" or "Leo Hot Chocolate"

The point is that she has a nickname and she saves you with another one. 

When you text her you will stand out over all the other contacts that she has and she will immediately remember you with a smile when you text her, which is a very good thing. 

Its not the same to get a text from Harry (thinking who the heck is this Harry) than Leo Hot Chocolate because she will immediately remember you and this nicknames reminds her exactly of that good feeling that she had when she laugh when you told her to save you with such a cheesy nickname.

Remember that she is a girl and if she is pretty, she will have a very large lists of contacts of guys trying to get her attention and you need to stand out by all means.

Then when you text her you can send her a text like this:
"Remember how i memorized you in my phone?"
You will be surprised how she reacts you can use that text also if she gives you a lot of excuses when you propose a date


1 - Ask her how you want her to memorize her and if she doesn't have good imagination for a good nickname, tell her the nickname yourself and save her number.
2 - Call her or text her right there to make sure the phone number is real (By using Whatsapp you can avoid calling her, since her name and contact will suddenly be displayed in that app)
3 -And tell her to save you with a cheesy nickname.

I hope this helps you, and if anyone has good suggestions for inside jokes or good ways to beat excuses when you suggest a date, or good initial messages to text her and bring her to a positive state, feel free to post them.

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

How to get a date trough texts

There are three things you should do in order to get a date with a woman you met on a club, school, uni, street, coffee shop... etc
Avoid being this poor guy (This is needy)

Spark an EMOTION to catch her attention and make her reply to you

First you should send a text that sparks an emotion on her. In order words you should maker her laugh or smile through that text. In order to do so, you can send a text which tells her about your day in a exaggerated way, for example:

"I have just drink a coffee which must have been made by Gods hands" So good"

Me: I just saw a movie which reminded me of you...
She: Which one?
Me:You will probably want to hit me if i tell you...
She:Now you have to tell me!
Me: (I ignore the text for a few minutes)
She: Please... tell me!!...
Me: (Whatever movie she reminds you of)
She: Haha, why that movie?
Me: I can only tell you over a coffee, how about Wednesday afternoon.
She: Ok :)

Now that is just an example, the point is that you need to write a text that she will reply with a haha at least, if she doesn't respond with a haha, it wasn't a good text.

Create a CONNECTION to remind her of the positive things you did when you met

The second text should create a connection with her. In order words you should remind her of how you met, or what you talk about the last time you saw her that seem to made her laugh at that moment. So if you were talking about something that she found funny, remind her of that thing that she found funny. She will remember what she felt immediately and if it is positive she will be happy that you reminded her of that memory.

Example. (This was a girl who told me she hated when their flatmates were dirty and that she studies graphics design and that she draws pretty good) So i told her:

Me: I have just remember something...
She: What?
Me: A girl who hates when their flatmates are dirty, who hates when they expect her to clean after them and a person who might be talented. That and how tragic would it be not to see such person again.
She: Haha, yes you are right :)

Find out the logistics and SET UP A DATE

The third text should be the one that tries to set up a date with her. You should only try to set up a date with her if you have made her laugh through the first texts... If you don't maker her laugh and just try to set up date in the first message you will probably fail... She will come up with some bullshit excuses like. "I have to study/work/sleep" or "I am pretty busy" or in the worst case "I have a boyfriend"

Me: To be honest i felt a positive vive when i met you, lets meet each other better
She: Sure we can go out.
Me: Excellent whats your schedule look like.
She: I am free on weekend.
Cool: Let's meet on Saturday.

How should a date be like

The first date should not be in a coffee shop, but if it is, You should only take 1 coffee and take it with you so that you can do something fun, at least for her... Something like going to the mall... If you stay in a coffee shop, this puts too much pressure on both of you and awkward silences might occur. 
If there is awkward silences she will look at the clock and you will get desperate because you feel she is bored as fuck... and is just counting down the minutes till the date is over..

So even if you agree to meet at a coffee shop, when you arrive immediately tell her that you would rather go somewhere else... (Bowling, Shopping, Ice Skating on an adventure) If she she says that she doesn't have time/money, look just come and if she insist on doing the date in the coffee shop, tell her that you are gonna go because you don't want to spend time in a coffee shop because its boring for you. 

Say this in a nice manner. Don't be a dick. And in fact you should go, because if you stay that means she has control over you, and you show that you are needy and that you value her more than you do yourself. Which is not attractive to her. A real man is selective, the type of man she likes is a someone  who has a lot of women and knows what he wants out of life... Thats why you should make the rules, because she senses then you are a high value man which respects itself and that will not try hard to comply with her.

Don't take her to the cinema either... A date is supposed to be 2 people spending time and having fun while they talk to each other and meet each other. In the cinema you cannot talk. And no, you are not going to be able to kiss her when the kissing scene shows up. Because that only happens in Hollywood romantic comedies, not in real life, unless she is really desperate and trust me if she is pretty she is not desperate to get a kiss, because she can get a kiss at every club.

If she talks about other boys, stop her and let her know that she is boring you out. Tell her: "I barely know you and you are already telling me about your problems... I would like to take things more slowly because I am not your boyfriend"

Make sure that you are the man in control of every situation... If you guys are sitting down while taking a drink.. Sit next to her. Don't let a table stand between the two of you... You have to sit next to her, and the reason is simple. If you do not sit next to her, you will not be able to make contact, and you MUST make contact with her, you need to touch her arm when you make a point to her, you need to award her whenever she says something nice to you with a 5 hive, you need to hug her, YES HUG HER, when she says that she likes you, or she says that she is enjoying the date, or she finds you funny/attractive/cute/good-looking...

Go to different places, don't just play bowling, and then go home... Play bowling then after that, tell her that "You should go take a coffee/drink at whatever pub/shop to chill" Then take her to another different place. This should all come natural, don't tell her that you have planned to do this, then this, and after that this because it shows you are needy...

Remember: Needy = Bad
A man does what he wants, and spends time with who he wants, and how he wants... And he doesn't say sorry for doing those things. So if you want to kiss her, just do it, don't ask. Its better to say sorry than to ask for permission... If you feel that you want to kiss her, and you don't do, that you prefer to do it in the second date or third... That means you are worried that you might not see her again and do not want to screw things up... Problem is if you do not make a move, you will sooner or later be put in the friend zone, thats why you have to make a move. And i know its risky, because if she is not attracted to you, you will maybe not see her again. B

Now i am going to tell you my experience in a bad date with a hot girl and what should i have done instead...
Analysis of a mediocre boring date

So there she was, waiting for me, I had come 3 mins late (You should never arrive at a date before she does)

She said she had just arrived smiling

I don't touch her, in order words i don't give her a kiss on the cheek or a simple high when we meet (Mistake)

We start walking, and start taking about how we are doing with university and staff... (Ok, you need to create comfort to break the ice)

I tell her that i do not know where the coffee shop is (Mistake, i should have know where the fucking Coffee shop was, so that I could lead) She knows where it is, so she leads me there...

We arrive and sit in different sides of a table... (Mistake I should have sat next to her, and i knew so, but did not have the balls for some reason i thought she was gonna complain about me sitting next to her)

We talked for an 40 mins, we are not comfortable she is nice and she puts effort in talking, but for some reason i don't seem to be interested in her or at least i get bored with the topics we are talking, to make things even worst, she now has found a comfortable talk in talking about how much he dislikes her flatmate... 

This might sound like a good thing that she is talking about how she dislikes a man, bit it is not... If she talks about other guy with you, there is a possibility she is attracted to her, even if she says not... And also she is talking about other guy with you!!!, You are not her gay best friend so why listen to that? BIG MISTAKE...)

Then there was a point in which in the most natural way she could, said that she had to buy some things for a girl friend of hers and i wanted to go with her... 

(I thought it was a good sign considering how bad the date was developing, but it is not, by saying yes i want to go there with you, i am basically telling her that i have nothing better to do, that she is the one leading AGAIN the date, and that i am needy and desperate to spend as much time with her as possible, plus it puts me on the friend zone because a man doesn't do favors for a girl until he has had sex with her, at least a man that wants to have something with her... 

But considering that i have already failed hard from the beginning I guess it did not matter. What i should have done is, look lets go this place (Bowling, Go Kart, Ice Skating) it would have saved the date, but somehow i was scared that she would say no... And so it was a big mistake.

We kept talking about boring things about our lives... And then we gave each other a hug, she was the one giving it... The date had lasted an hour and 15 minutes... And nothing happened. Not a kiss, no fun, nothing... I feel sad for her, because even though it was me who failed... She was the one suffering the causes of my fail... She just wanted to have fun and she did not because of me... 

My first experience doing Daygame

Daygame could be considered as the act of seducing women on the the day in any type of situation, that is not a club or a bar, by being direct with your intentions, honest in your communication and natural in the way you express yourself with the girl.
First time doing Daygame
Overthinking too much to approach a woman is bad

It is something that when you see it done right, is beautiful, impressive, cool and very effective, but it is also something that takes a lot of confidence.

My first experience trying to do Daygame was, let's say, predictable... I was with a friend who I just showed him about this stuff, and thought it was impressive but, at the same time, risky.

He thought that it has to take a lot of balls to go approach a woman on the street and expressing your romantic and sexual interest right from the beginning and so did I... 

Anywas we were gonna try with at least one girl. We spend like 30 minutes walking around the mall, to get mentally ready for that first approach, but it did not happened. 

We put so many excuses, like this girl is not hot enough, or this girl is too hot for me, or this girl is with her female friend, or this girl is with a boy, or this girl seems angry or this girl is with her phone or this girl is reading, or im not ready, or people are gonna hear and see me doing this and laugh at me if she rejects me, or this girl is too young or too old for a guy like me.

Loads and loads of excuses, the truth is we were pussies, we had social anxiety to flirt with women in such a direct way in such situation. 

There are some exercises to beat that social anxiety, but we also thought they were risky or extreme, we did not want to make a fool of ourselves in the middle of the mall or we did not want to be considered as creepy and weird guys to these women that we would probably never see in the rest of our lives anyways...

The heart beats fasts even if its not your turn when you see your friend trying to do it, you also feel bad for what he has to go trough. It is a very irrational feeling in the sense that the worst thing that can happen is that the girl ignores you, the girl says no, or the girl says she has a boyfriend. 

She is not gonna slap you in the face or yell at you, because you are just telling her that she is attractive or beautiful and that you wanna meet her. You are not raping her or anything like that but still the fear is there.

And this is the first time we try to do this thing called Daygame. Let's hope the next time goes a little bit better.